Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 36 Bumpdate

Week 36...big week!

Today was the first pelvic exam to see how much I was dilated/effaced and to test for Strep B. Nothing like having your OB shove their hand half way up your vag first thing in the morning, talk about feeling violated. Anyways, she said that I am about 2cm dilated and about 70% effaced (thinned). Baby is head down and VERY low. It took her about 1 second to say "yep that's his head". From now on each week up until delivery we will repeat the process to see how much I am progressing each week, but according to the doc she does not think I will go the full 40 weeks. We will find out more next Thursday and have a better idea of how fast I'm progressing. 

Since my last baby shower it seems like we have been doing nothing but run around trying to get everything done before baby comes. Putting in the car seats (way harder than it seems), setting up the crib/dresser, washing all the clothes, organizing the room, getting oil changes, getting taxes done, the list goes on and on! It seems like every day there is something to do as the due date feels like it is quickly approaching.

How am I feeling? So far this pregnancy has been a breeze, I have been very lucky. No morning sickness, no heartburn, no back pain, no swelling. However this last week was a little rough.  I feel like as soon as I hit 36 weeks everything changed. This last week my feet have been swelling after work, I'm feeling SO much pressure down low, I'm not sure if I'm having contractions or just have to poop, I pee every 15 minutes, I can barely sleep at night, and I am just purely exhausted. It doesn't help that I work four 10 hour shifts at work that involve constantly being on my feet alllllll day, working on patients, and occasionally lifting patients when I work in the hospital. Thankfully I have the sweetest husband that rubs my swollen and squishy feet every night, helps with laundry, and has put together countless baby items without one complaint.

Regardless of all the exhausting parts of pregnancy in the last few weeks I wouldn't trade it for anything. I absolutely love rubbing my bump and feeling him move around in there. I enjoy the feeling of being pregnant and knowing the fact that I am literally growing a human inside my body (which still amazes me). Now if I could just sleep at night, skip the swollen feet part,  and poop regularly then I would have no complaints!

This week really has felt like a milestone week, so many changes and so many emotions as the due date approaches. Anxious to meet our little guy, excited to become a mommy, eager to snuggle him, and happy that I have had a smooth and easy pregnancy but also a little sad that he won't be inside my belly anymore....
It's crazy to think that in less than 4 weeks our lives will be forever changed. We will be parents, we will have a family, it will no longer just be us, we will love another human more than we've ever loved anything in this world, and we will have a little creation of the both of us that will teach us more than we could ever know as he grows. I get emotional just thinking about it! Until then, let's let this baby cook and continue to grow until he is ready to arrive :)

On a side note, here is a little sneak peek from my maternity shoot with Emily Anne Photography....more photos to come later :)

Until next time,


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