Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week 32 Bumpdate

So how am I feeling these days? Well right now its 4 am and I am up typing a pregnancy update, if that tells you anything. Why? Because it is impossible to get comfy with a giant round belly and a baby that kicks you as soon as you lay down. Not to mention it also takes me a good 2 minutes just to roll from one side to the other. It's a good thing I don't mind getting little sleep to say the least.

My stomach has officially become a giant veiny road map with little veins running every which way. The doc says this is due to the increasing amount of blood supply and nutrients to the baby in preparation for delivery. Speaking of blood, did I mention I am anemic? Here I am eating spinach salads every day and taking my supplements and eating my protein and yet I am STILL anemic. The doc said to me "girl we need to get your hemoglobin up because you're about to lose a lot of blood during delivery". Thank you for not sugar coating that, doc. Bring on the blood bath.

At this point shaving has basically become a guessing game, one swipe here another swipe there, just leaving some patches for decoration. No swelling yet, although I seriously wonder sometimes how my skin is going to stretch even more over the next 8 weeks. My bladder feels like the size of a pea, and there have been multiple occasions in which I've almost peed my pants. My doc says that baby is sitting real low, and now I understand why I feel SO. MUCH. PRESSURE.

On another note, it's crazy how much nicer people are to you when you're expecting. My patients are constantly bringing me goodies and saying how cute my bump is and strangers hold doors open for me and pick things up from the floor for me when I drop stuff. I get a lot of various comments like "wow you are tiny" to "that baby is so low it looks like you are going to have him tomorrow". Oh and don't forget the people with judgy eyes that give me the side eye at the gym because I'm still working out. Chill out people, my doctor said it's perfectly normal and healthy and actually advised that I keep working out for the baby's health and to keep my swelling and fluid retention down. It also helps with back pain and gives me much more energy. When I don't work out I feel like poo, so go on and judge away. Oh and don't forget those judge monsters that cringe when they see me drinking a cup of coffee, it's coffee people, not cocaine. I am allowed 1 cup of joe per day and I like to savor that 1 cup. To all my mommas out there that enjoy that 1 cup per day, cheers! Another judgment I notice is what type of music I listen to, sorry I'm not over here swaying to Mozart and instead bumping to Dr Dre and Biggie Smalls. To each his own my friends.

Baby Rocco is moving and dancing all over the place multiple times per day now. It looks like an alien is moving inside me when he does his little rolls and I watch his foot slide across my belly. It makes my little heart smile and I just cannot wait to meet him. Sometimes he will give me a nice swift kick during the day and it makes me jump or make strange faces and I'm sure everyone is wondering what I'm doing. I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions as well and it's always weird when I'm sitting at work and suddenly my belly forms the shape of a point and becomes extremely hard. It's a weird feeling but it doesn't hurt. I find myself just rubbing my belly throughout the day and I think that I'm really going to miss my bump once baby comes, but I'm getting more and more eager to meet this little guy every single day. Crazy to think I only have 8 weeks left! I think that's enough updates for today, until next time!


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